Legal encyclopedias are a good starting point to finding primary resources on particular legal topics or practice areas, including key legal principles, historical backgrounds and references to cases and legislation - they may also provide references to other relevant writings for further research.
Legal commentaries offer more specific referencing and scholarly discussion on specific legislation or cases to do with Criminal Law.
Case law and legislation are the meat of the legal system. Legislation and Acts of parliament are the laws of the land, and the case law rulings of the judiciary establish common law legal precedence for future rulings. It is thus imperative that students familiarize themselves and heavily reference the legislation and case law for their practice area.
Legislation Search:
Key Legislation:
Free database run by a consortia of Australian Universities and other institutions containing full-text for legislation, journal articles, and rulings.
Australian Government funded database containing the full text of all recent legislation from 70 different agencies. It also details of the lifecycle of individual laws and the relationships between them, and related documents.
Various statistics relating to crime and prisoners.
Federal agency conducts inquiries into areas of law and makes recommendations to government to make informed decisions regarding law reform. Their site contains numerous, useful and free resources including news, reports and proposals.
The British and Irish Legal Information Institute, is the British version of AUSTLII, containing free database resources covering legislation and case law.
The purpose of the Commonwealth Sentencing Database is to provide judicial officers and other users with rapid and easy access to information about sentencing for Commonwealth offences. It contains a lot of helpful free and subscription-based material to this end.
The Legal Scholarship Network is a scholarly repository for legal articles and academic works.
Statistics, media releases, articles and information papers relating to crime and justice in Australia.
Fully searchable database of all NSW government parliamentary legislation.
Crime statistics and maps for NSW.
The International Law Library includes both the International Treaties Collection and the International Courts and Tribunals Collection, and contains over 80,000 documents.
Various statistics relating to crime and prisoners.
Statistics, media releases, articles and information papers relating to crime and justice in Australia.
Crime statistics and maps for NSW.
Thousands of ebooks and etextbooks from the United States and around the world.
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